The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents

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When the Brain Can’t Hear: Unraveling the Mystery of Auditory Processing Disorder

Book: When the Brain Can’t Hear : Unraveling the Mystery of Auditory Processing Disorder

Amazon Description: In this landmark book, Dr. Teri James Bellis, one of the world’s leading authorities on auditory processing disorder (APD), explains the nature of this devastating condition and provides insightful case studies that illustrate its effect on the lives of its sufferers.

Millions of Americans struggle silently with APD. For many of them, holding a simple conversation can be next to impossible. As sound travels through an imperfect auditory pathway, words become jumbled, distorted, and unintelligible. As Dr. Bellis notes, the most profound impact of this highly specific impediment to auditory comprehension may be on the young. Facing a severely reduced ability to read, spell, comprehend, and communicate, children with APD are subject to anxiety, academic failure, and a damaged sense of self. Often, they are misdiagnosed.

Discussing the latest and most promising clinical advances and treatment options, and providing a host of proven strategies for coping, Dr. Bellis takes much of the mystery out of APD. If you or anyone you know has difficulty comprehending spoken language, or if your child is struggling in school, this important book may have the answers you need.

For the book, click here.

If you would like to purchase this book, please use the link provided. The cost is the same to you, but The Sensory Spectrum gets a small percentage to allow me to continue offering information about SPD for free. Thanks for your ongoing support!

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Auditory Processing Disorders

“Below is an explanation of the different types of auditory processing. Each category also includes possible difficulties that can occur if there is a weakness in that area, and possible strategies that may help overcome the difficulties.”

Auditory Processing Disorders

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A Mother’s Intuition

When it comes to our children, it can be hard to listen to the intuition that says there’s something wrong… especially when that “something” can’t be physically seen. Sensory Processing Disorder may appear to be silent but shows up in so many ways on a daily basis. If you are worried there is something wrong with your child (even if EVERYONE else is telling you it’s fine) listen to your intuition. I’m glad I did.

A Mother’s Intuition


Brushing Techniques for Sensory Integration

Brushing come up a lot on our discussion board, Voices of Sensory Processing Disorder Discussion Group. What is brushing? How do I properly do brushing? Does my kid even need brushing?

Brushing Techniques for Sensory Integration


Disobedience or Disability?

With school just around the corner, I’m anxious to find out how my SPD kiddo will do in his new class. Will he be able to manage the “expectations” placed on him by his teacher or will she be willing to work with what he needs as well.

Disobedience or Disability?–An Essay on Sensory Processing Disorder