The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents


Find more information and resources at

As a Mom with two children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), I was initially exhausted by trying to keep up with the latest information out there. After almost three years of occupational therapy, I’m ready to “pay it forward” for other parents facing this disorder and wanted to create a support community for parents who have children with SPD to discuss and find information.

Rather than having to scour the Internet for the latest articles and research, I wanted to create one communal page to post links to research information, news coverage, etc.

I’ve also discovered there are so many parents out there with kids on the sensory spectrum that have suffered in silence. I have been one for quite some time, and it’s time to stop. Over the past year, I’ve worked hard toward becoming authentic with myself, and now it’s time to rediscover myself as a whole person while balancing the ever-demanding needs of my sensational kids.

I’m sharing my journey to rediscovering myself as a whole at

The Sensory Spectrum is a project of The Sensory Spectrum LLC.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Do you have any thoughts on Rhythmic Movement Training? My almost 6 year old has cerebral palsy and I came across this facility today that does this “treatment” for a variety of special needs kiddos. We have done PT and OT but are always looking for extra ways to help him.
    Interesting blog you have here – I look forward to spending some time poking about.

    • As a mom and not an occupational therapist, I wouldn’t feel comfortable offering any advice about rhythmic movement training. However, there are some terrific discussion boards on Facebook where you may find some parents that have tried it out and would be able to let you know what their experience is or has been. Good luck!

  2. My son was diagnosed w/ SPD when he was in preschool. The “gut feeling” let us to seek help and thank goodness we followed through. We did OT and Listening Therapy and it was a game changer. He is about to turn 8 and doing great. There are times when I still see him struggle but knowing what is going on in his little body makes it so much easier to help him through it. I have a small section on my blog devoted to SPD and am going to list your site as a resource. 🙂
    I found your site through a friend who is also a mom to a son w/ SPD. It’s so important for us moms to stick together! Thanks for your work on putting SPD resources in one place.

    • SPDMAMA here — working on my parenting blog so I’m under a different name right now. I’m so glad to hear your son is doing well after you started his therapy program. I really appreciate you naming me as a resource site. If you have any personal stories you’d like to share, I have a site called Voices of Sensory Processing Disorder where people share the personal side of SPD. It makes people feel less alone and connected. I’d love if you’d share there, too.

      • I would love to share my story. I totally agree that sharing is all about staying connected. I felt so isolated when we were dealing with SPD and trying to figure it out. Knowing you’re not alone is so encouraging.
        It’s sort of long story but I would love to put up a link. What is the Voices of SPD url? Can’t wait to check it out.

      • Found the site. 🙂 Can’t wait to take a look at it!

  3. Great idea for a blog. I don’t have children with SPD but I have a dear friend who does. It can be so difficult and tiring on the parents!

  4. I’ve been going back and forth between making an OT appointment for my 5 year old son, because his sensory phases ebb and flow…but after discovering this blog and reading some stories, I’m feeling like maybe it is the right step towards more peace in this house.

    Thanks for all this, Jenny…I found your other blog through NaBloPoMo and will be connecting with you on both of your blogs…thanks again.

    • I’m so that you found me! From my personal experience, OT made a huge difference in our kiddo’s life. It doesn’t go away but boy it has gotten SO much better. Sensory issues can ebb and flow. OT is about helping your son learn how to manage and live with those sensory challenges (and to help you help him manage them).

  5. Thank you for this site, Jenny, and for all the other parents voicing their experiences on here. I just found your other blog through NaBloPoMo and was very excited to stumble upon this one as my 5 year old son has sensory sensitivities, and I’ve hemmed and hawed about whether or not to go the OT route. This site has me thinking maybe it’s time.

    Love + light ~

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