The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents

Disobedience or Disability?


With school just around the corner, I’m anxious to find out how my SPD kiddo will do in his new class. Will he be able to manage the “expectations” placed on him by his teacher or will she be willing to work with what he needs as well.

Disobedience or Disability?–An Essay on Sensory Processing Disorder

Author: Jennifer

Jennifer is a mom evolving as she navigates the waters of parenthood as well as having two children with sensory processing disorder and sharing her knowledge. She writes Mommy Evolution and The Sensory Spectrum.

8 thoughts on “Disobedience or Disability?

  1. And not all are always present

  2. Me too! My daughter is five, and is in my Pre-K class. I know as a teacher how challenging her behaviors can be. Even being her mom, I have a hard time telling when she is being affected by her SPD or when she is simply being a bit of a brat. I’m terrified for the next few days when she starts kindergarten. 😦 How are you all coping/have you coped?

    • We are having a lot of talks about what to expect for Kindergarten. School hasn’t started yet. But I’m already seeing anxious behavior from my son — more aggressive and needing to be in control of situations. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  3. i could just cry. i am exhasted as a parent with the uphill battle for my childrens needs to be understood and met.

  4. Pingback: Kindergarten – The Rite of Passage | The Jenny Evolution

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