The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents

Oral Sensitivities: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment


Do you have a kiddo with an oral sensitivity? My 3yo has been chewing on his lovey since the moment we gave it to him as a baby.

Oral Sensitivities: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Author: Jennifer

Jennifer is a mom evolving as she navigates the waters of parenthood as well as having two children with sensory processing disorder and sharing her knowledge. She writes Mommy Evolution and The Sensory Spectrum.

3 thoughts on “Oral Sensitivities: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

  1. Yup, my 6 year old is very oral and does most of the things on that list you linked to. I had not hear the term “condiment kid” before but it totally fits.

  2. Ketchup is an absolute staple in our house. And he LOVES to suck on lemon pieces. Can’t get enough of them.

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